We are thrilled to present our 2024 Heliophysics Technology Annual Report, showcasing HESTO’s pivotal investments in advancing Heliophysics technology. This report includes the results of our Heliophysics Technology and Instrument Development for Science (H-TIDeS) and Heliophysics Flight Opportunities Studies (H-FOS) programs. We are also pleased to introduce the recipients of our 2024 awards, who will begin their work of discovery in 2025.
Over the past year, we’ve achieved major milestones. We have maintained a robust portfolio and have grown our community of technologists. We’ve increased mission infusions, expanded our portfolio of technologies to include those developed through the suborbital program, and launched the Heliophysics Technology Analysis Group (H-TPAG) to broaden community engagement. Our second annual HELIOTECH2024 Heliophysics Technology Symposium was a great success, and we’re pleased to have selected our first Pathfinder flight project.
Looking ahead, the newly-released 2024 Decadal Survey for Solar and Space Physics will guide our technology investment priorities, propelling innovation that enables new scientific breakthroughs. With HESTO soon to be fully staffed, we are poised to increase collaboration and purposeful technology infusion. We’re also actively seeking new rideshare opportunities to further mature technologies and advance Heliophysics research.
Thank you for your dedication to pushing the frontiers of Heliophysics!